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Becoming Catholic

The Catholic Church has a special way of initiating youth, young adults and adults into the Catholic faith. It is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). For children, there is Sacramental programs run in our Catholic schools and Parish Schools of Religion. Explore how you too can become a Catholic below!

Catholic Church: Where you belong.

Welcome home! This could be the starting point of an incredible journey into the life and mission of the Catholic Church.
The journey to become a Catholic takes place within a parish community so you are able to share in the life of the Church expressed in a local faith community. It offers a way to grow in knowledge of Christ and the Catholic faith in company with others on a similar journey.

Use the form below to find out more information on becoming a Catholic, and allow us to journey with you, and put you in contact with others, as you start this journey of faith.