55 Franklin St
Forrest, ACT 2603
The vision for youth in the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn is that all would come to know they have been created out of love, for a life of love, by a God of love. To realise the aspirations of this conviction, the Archdiocese focuses on inviting young people to Belong to the Church, Believe in Christ and Become a Disciple.
At the heart of this model is the proclamation of the great truths of Christianity: God Loves, Christ Saves, He is Alive; and, I am Alive.
These key themes will be explored across the Archdiocese in the coming three years (2020 – 2022). This will follow the Three Years of Youth (2017 – 2019) that led to the building of new discipleship pathways from Catholic schools to Church communities.
Download the CG Youth Missionary Discipleship Strategy that explores our approach to youth ministry over the coming three years.
Get in contact with CG Youth today!